APEC Cooperation for Earthquake Science

1st ACES Workshop Proceedings

Date:2020-01-10 02:26:27  Author:ACES  Source:ACES  Views:


Introduction to ACES

Background to ACES

Working Group 1: Microscopic Simulation Models Sessions

Session 1.1:Modelling the micro-physics underlying earthquake nucleation processes and rupture
Session 1.2:Frictional behaviour of rocks, gouge layers and complex fault zones: simulation, observation and scaling

Working Group 2: Macroscopic Simulation Models

Session 2.1:Physical modelling and simulation of the earthquake cycle
Session 2.2:Simulation of earthquake rupture, seismic wave propagation and strong motion
Session 2.3:Simulation and observation of complex interacting fault systems

Working Group 3: Computational Methods/Algorithms

Session 3.1:Macroscopic methods (FEM, FD, PS, SE) of earthquake faulting and waves
Session 3.2:Particle-based methods (LS, Distinct Element, MD) to simulate fault microphysics

Working Group 4: Data Assimilation

Session 4.1:Inversion and assimilation of geodetic data
Session 4.2:Physical scale dependencies, observed scaling relations and simulation

Working Group 5: Model Applications

Session 5.1:General session for earthquake forecasting and hazard quantification


Paper list

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