Inaugural ACES Workshop
31 January - 5 February, 1999, Brisbane & Noosa, Qld, Australia
ACES aims to develop realistic supercomputer simulation models for the physics and dynamics of the complete earthquake generation process, and to assimilate new earthquake observations into such models. The simulation capability will provide a virtual laboratory to study earthquake behaviour and the earthquake cycle. This capability offers a new opportunity to gain an improved understanding of the earthquake nucleation process, precursory phenomena, and space-time earthquake patterns, and thus provides a means to develop improved models for earthquake hazard quantification and forecasting.
ACES workshops are the principal forum for international scientists of the cooperation to interact. The first workshop aims to allow the working groups to form and for researchers to become familiar with the complementary work of other participants, discuss the state of the science, and identify initial working group goals and/or activities.
Workshop themes
Themes of the workshop will be addressed in a series of sessions related to the five Working Groups of ACES. Click on the session numbers to obtain detailed information regarding each session.
WG1: Microscopic Simulation Working Grop
1.1 Modelling the micro-physics underlying earthquake nucleation processes and rupture (joint with WG 3 & 4). Convenors: D. Place (QUAKES, Aust), Y. Bai (LNM,CAS, China).
1.2 Frictional behaviour of rocks, gouge layers and complex fault zones: simulation, observation and scaling (joint with WG 2 & 4). Convenors: P. Mora (QUAKES, Aust), M. Ohnaka (ERI, Japan), M. Blanpied (USGS, USA).
WG2: Macroscopic Simulation Working Group
2.1 Physical modelling and simulation of the earthquake cycle (joint with WG 4 & 5). Convenors: M. Matsu'ura (U Tokyo, Japan), D. Turcotte (Cornell, USA), K. Wang (GS, Canada).
2.2 Simulation of earthquake rupture, seismic wave propagation and strong motion (joint with WG 3 & 5). Convenors: E. Fukuyama (NRIESDP, Japan), R. Madariaga (ENS, France), R. Archuleta (UCSB, USA).
2.3 Simulation and observations of complex interacting fault systems (joint with WG 4 & 5). Convenors: S. Jaume (QUAKES, Aust),J. Rundle (Colorado, USA).
WG3: Computional Methods/Algorithms Working Group
3.1 Macroscopic methods (FEM, FD, PS, SE) of earthquake faulting and waves (joint with WG 2). Convenors: K. Hirahara (Nagoya U, Japan), D. Komatitsch (Harvard, USA).
3.2 Particle-based methods (LS, Distinct Element, MD) to simulate fault microphysics (joint with WG 1). Convenors: D. Place(QUAKES, Aust), H. Sakagushi (CSIRO, Aust).
WG4: Data Assimilation Working Group
4.1 Inversion and assimilation of geodetic data (joint with WG 2). Convenors: B. Minster (UCSD, USA), T. Sagiya (GSI, Japan).
4.2 Physical scale dependencies, observed scaling relations and simulation (joint with WG 1 & 2). Convenors: B. Shaw (LDEO, USA), M. Ohnaka (ERI, Japan).
WG5: Model Applications Working Group
5.1 General session for earthquake forecasting and hazard quantification/ joint with WG 1, 2 & 4. Convenors: D. Jackson (UCLA, USA), X.C. Yin (CAP, CSB, China), A. Yoshida. (JMA, Japan).
The workshop will be held at The University of Queensland in the city of Brisbane - a delightful city located on the picturesque Brisbane river and at Noosa Heads - a vibrant tropical coastal town just north of Brisbane, renowned for its beautiful beach, surfing, and unspoiled coastal headland national reserve.
Brisbane City Council Lonely planet Web | The University of Queensland | Noosa |
Registration is required by December 18, 1998. For additional information, please contact Tracy Paroz:
Tracy Paroz Tel: (61-7) 3365 7418 Fax: (61-7) 3365 7347
QUAKES, Dept. of Earth Sciences, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, Brisbane QLD 4072, AUStrALIA
Local organising committee
Peter Mora Tel: (61-7) 3365 2128 | Tracy Paroz (registration) Tel: (61-7) 3365 7418 |
David Place Tel: (61-7) 3365 2176 | Steven Jaume Tel: (61-7) 3365 2176 |
Russell Cuthberson Tel: (61-7) 3365 4783 | Col Lynam Tel: (61-7) 3365 3197 |
QUAKES, Dept. of Earth Sciences, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, Brisbane QLD 4072, AUStrALIA Fax: (61-7) 3365 7347 |
Major Sponsors
DISR, DISR S&T ASTWeb | The University of Queensland | Silicon Graphics, Inc. |
09:00 | Pre-workshop orientation and site-seeing (optional) |
16:00 | Registration |
17:00 | Icebreaker and dinner reception |
Monday 1 February | OVERVIEW SESSION ON ACES |
08:30 | Welcome address: Prof. Paul Greenfield, Deputy Vice Chancellor Research, The University of Queensland. |
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08:45 | Introduction to ACES: Prof. Peter Mora |
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09:00 | Overview of national programs of ACES participants |
09:00 | Japan: Prof. Mitsuhiro Matsu'ura, ACES ISB member, Japan |
09:30 | Australia: Prof. Peter Mora, ACES ISB member, Australia |
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10:00 | Coffee |
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10:30 | Overview of national programs (continued) |
10:30 | China: Prof. Xiang-Chu Yin, ACES ISB member, China |
11:00 | USA: Prof. Tom Henyey, Director SCEC, USA |
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11:30 | Discussion |
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12:00 | Lunch for workshop participants and Luncheon ISB meeting |
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13:30 | Presentation from non-ACES participant: Earthquake hazard and modelling research in Taiwan, Prof. Yeong Tein Yeh |
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13:45 | Convenors presentations of session questions and issues |
13:45 | Session 1.1: David Place |
14:00 | Session 1.2: Mike Blanpied |
14:15 | Session 3.2: David Place |
14:30 | Session 2.1: Mitsuhiro Matsu'ura |
14:45 | Session 2.3: Steven Jaume |
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15:00 | Coffee |
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15:15 | Session 2.2: Raul Madariaga |
15:30 | Session 3.1: Kazuro Hirahara |
15:45 | Session 4.1: Bernard Minster |
16:00 | Session 4.2: Mitiyasu Ohnaka |
16:15 | Session 5.1: Dave Jackson |
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16:30 | Discussion |
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17:00 | Bus transfer to Noosa Heads |
Tuesday 2 February | PLENARIES |
08:00 | Session 1.1: David Place and Yilong Bai |
09:00 | Session 1.2: Mike Blanpied, Miti Ohnaka, and Peter Mora |
10:00 | Session 3.2: David Place |
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10:15 | Morning Tea/Coffee |
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10:30 | Session 2.1: Don Turcotte and Mitsuhiro Matsu'ura |
11:30 | Session 2.3: John Rundle and Steven Jaume |
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12:30 | Lunch |
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13:30 | Session 2.2: Eiichi Fukuyama, Ralph Archuleta, and Raul Madariaga |
14:30 | Session 3.1: Kazuro Hirahara and Dimitri Komatitsch |
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15:30 | Afternoon Tea/Coffee |
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15:45 | Session 4.1: Dave Jackson and Takeshi Sagiya |
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16:45 | Discussion |
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17:00 | Finish of sessions |
Wednesday 3 February | PLENARIES CONTINUED |
08:00 | Session 4.2: Keiiti Aki and Mitiyasu Ohnaka |
09:00 | Session 5.1: Dave Jackson, Xiang-chu Yin, Akio Yoshida, and Jacobo Bielak |
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10:00 | Morning Tea/Coffee |
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10:15 | DETAILED SESSIONS (2.5 hours per session) |
Break down into groups for in depth presentations/discussions | |
Session 1.1 | |
Session 2.3 | |
Session 2.2 | |
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Summarize detailed session outcomes for entire group | |
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13:00 - 18:00 | Free time for participants |
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13:00 | ISB Luncheon |
14:00 | ISB meeting |
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18:00 | Workshop dinner |
Thursday 4 February | |
Session 1.2 | |
Session 2.1 | |
Session 3.1 | |
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10:15 | Morning Tea/Coffee |
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Session 3.2 | |
Session 4.1 | |
Session 4.2 | |
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13:00 | Lunch |
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Session 5.1 | |
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15:30 | Afternoon Tea/Coffee |
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15:45 | Session 5.1 (cont.) |
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17:00 | Finish of sessions |
Friday 5 February | GENERAL SESSIONS |
08:00 | Summarize theme/session discussions/outcomes for entire group |
10:30 | Discussion of main results of sessions and identification of goals & next steps |
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12:30 | Lunch |
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13:30 | Final discussions, meeting outcomes decided. |
18:00 | Farewell dinner (optional) |