APEC Cooperation for Earthquake Science

6th ACES International Workshop

Date:2020-01-10 21:37:55  Author:ACES  Source:ACES  Views:
Working Group 1

Microscopic Simulation (top)

Mizoguchi and Fukuyama

Scaling of Fracture Energy: Laboratory Measurements by High-velocity Rotary Shear Apparatus

Morgan and Guo

The evolution of fault strength and gouge properties with shear strain: Insights from particle dynamics simulations

Rundle et al.

Nucleation and Growth of Microscopic Defects and Disorder in Rock Masses

Tordesillas et al.

On the connection between particle aspect ratio and rolling resistance (Poster)

Wang and Mora

Reproduction of 3-D wing-crack using 3-D discrete element method, Esys_Particle

Working Group 2

Scaling Physics (top)


Collective Behavior of Earthquakes and Faults: Continuum-Discrete Transitions, Progressive Evolutionary Changes and Different Dynamic Regimes

Chen et al.

Towards a universal rule on the recurrence interval scaling of repeating earthquake

Dahmen and Ben-Zion

A simple model of damage rheology with discrete slip patches in surrounding elastic solid

Ke et al.

Specificity and universality of catastrophic rupture

Klein et al.

Ergodicity and Forecasting


Earthquake fault scaling: Relating fault length to width, average displacement, and moment release.

Olsen-Kettle and Muhlhaus

Mesh dependence and Slip Complexity in Earthquake Fault Models: A New Perspective

Yin et al.

The peak point of LURR and its significance

Working Group 3

Macro-scale simulation: Earthquake generation and cycles (top)

Bailey and Ben-Zion

Simulations of Stress Drops for Evolving Seismicity on a Heterogeneous Fault in Elastic Half-space (Poster)

Dieterich et al.

Large- Scale Simulations of Fault System Seismicity

Hashimoto et al.

Joint Simulation of Quasi-static Stress Accumulation and Earthquake Dynamic Rupture

Jiang and Wu

PI Applied to Sichuan-Yunnan Region: Retrospective Test and Provisional Forward Forecast Experiment (Poster)


Dynamics Research on Strong Shock Gestation in Sichuan-Yunnan and Its Adjacent Regions (Poster)

Olsen-Kettle et al.

Multi-cycle Dynamics of Interacting Faults

Rundle et al.

Virtual California 2008: Topology and Dynamics


Dynamical, Material, and Geometrical Heterogeneities in Earthquake Models

Tullis and Beeler

Multiscale Simulation of Earthquakes at Parkfield, California, Using Rate and State Friction and Fast Multipoles


ALLCAL: An Earthquake Simulator for all of California

Zhou et al.

The velocity structure of the hypocenter area of Dayao earthquake (Poster)

Working Group 4

Macro-scale simulation: Dynamic rupture and wave propagation (top)

Ely et al.

Dynamic Rupture Models for the Southern San Andreas Fault

Ely et al.

A Support-Operator Method for Dynamic Earthquake Rupture Simulation

Fukuyama et al.

Modeling of the 2003 Tokachi-oki, Japan, Earthquake: Stress Accumulation, Dynamic Rupture and Ground Motions

Jordan and the CME Collaboration

High-Performance Computing for Physics-Based Seismic Hazard Analysis

Kimura et al.

Dynamic Source Modeling of the 2005 Miyagi-oki Earthquake

Takemura et al.

Frequency-dependence of the apparent S-wave radiation pattern; FDM simulations of scattering high-frequency seismic wavefield

Working Group 5

Computational environment and algorithms (top)

Fox and Pierce

Web 2.0 and Earthquake Science

Grant et al.

QuakeTables: A Federated Database for Assimilation of Earthquake Data in the QuakeSim Modeling Environment

Kellogg et al.

Interactive virtual reality methods for generating and visualizing earthquake simulations

Nardone et al.

An Open-Source Program for Visualizing Simulated Earthquake Time History

Parker et al.

NASA QuakeSim finite element modeling with GeoFEST

Pierce et al.

Services and Components for the QuakeSim Project

Quenette and Giordani

A StGermain case study: adding Recovery by Equilibrium of Patches to Underworld

Yenan et al.

Toolkits for automatic web service and graphical user interface generation in the geosciences (Poster)

Yoder et al.

Warehousing Earthquake, InSAR and Hazard Data

Yuen et al.

Ubiquitous Interactive Visualization of 3-D Mantle Convection Using a Web Portal with a Java and Ajax Framework (Poster)

Working Group 6

Data assimilation and understanding (top)

Clark and Leonard

Temporal clustering of surface ruptures on stable continental region faults: a conceptual model with examples from eastern and western Australia (Poster)


Preparing for NASA's DESDynI Mission with QuakeSim

Glasscoe et al.

Statistical analysis of earthquake event correlations in Virtual California

Granat et al.

Regional Hidden Markov Model Based Time Series Analysis Via A Web Portal Interface

Matsu'ura et al.

Modeling and Monitoring the Entire Processes of Earthquake Generation in and around Japan


A Guide to the QuakeSim Portal and Its Portlets

Sagiya et al.

Crustal Deformation Associated with the Earthquake Cycle along the Eastern Nankai Trough, Central Japan


The numerical simulation and discussion on mechanism of postseismic deformation after Kunlun 8.1 earthquake (Poster)

Singh et al.

Correlation of Radon anomalies in ground water and Soil-gas with seismic events in NW Himalayas, India

Terakawa and Matsu'ura

3D Tectonic Stress Fields in and around Japan, inferred from the CMT Data Inversion

Tiampo et al.

Eigenvector decomposition of historic seismicity data

Wan and Shen

A Study on Determination of Stress Level by Seismic Stress Drops and the Stress Axis Deflections Before and After Large Earthquakes

Wang and Jackson

Are Spontaneous Earthquakes in California Stationary ?

Wu et al.

Spatial and Temporal Variation of Tectonic Stress Pattern at the Westernmost Plate Boundary in Taiwan

Yang and Ben-Zion

Comparisons between observed properties of aftershock sequences in southern California and predictions of a damage rheology model (Poster)

Working Group 7

Model applications (top)

Kumar et al.

Geochemical Earthquake Precursory Studies in NW Himalayas, India (Poster)

Rundle et al.

Performance Analysis of RIPI Forecasts of California Earthquakes:

Tiampo et al.

Gravity as a proxy for strain accumulation in complex fault systems (Poster)

Toya et al.

Pattern Informatics Approach to Earthquake Forecasting in 3D (Poster)

Van Aalsburg et al.

An Update on the Status of Computing Earthquake Forecast Probabilities by Numerical Simulations using Virtual California

Wan and Shen

Seismological Evidence for the Convergence of Crustal Stress Orientations Before Large Earthquakes

Wang and Mora

The effects of pore pressure on Load-Unload Response Ratio before earthquakes: viewpoint from discrete element method

Xing and Yin

A Combined Computational Approach towards Earthquake Forecasting

Yu et al.

A probabilistic approach for earthquake potential evaluation based on the Load/Unload Response ratio method

Zhang et al.

Application of PI method to the North and Southwest China

Working Group 8

Other geoscience simulation (top)

Furumura and Saito

An integrated simulation of seismic wave and tsunami propagation


Magma Flow Instabilities: Implications for Long-Period Seismicity

Regenauer-Lieb et al.

Cracking the brittle-ductile transition zone: the role of fluids

Saito and Furumura

Three-Dimensional Tsunami Generation due to the Sea-Bottom Deformation


Tsunami Simulation - Soup to Nuts

Yuen et al.

Tsunami Hazards Along the Chinese Coast from Earthquakes in Neighboring Subducting Zones

Paper list

  • 1. Working Group 1


  • 2. Working Group 2


  • 3. Working Group 3


  • 4. Working Group 4


  • 5. Working Group 5


  • 6. Working Group 6


  • 7. Working Group 7


  • 8. Working Group 8


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