APEC Cooperation for Earthquake Science

Concurrency and Computation: Practice & Experience Volume 22, Issue 12Special Issues

Date:2020-01-10 06:29:29  Author:ACES  Source:ACES  Views:


Special Issue:Proceedings of the 6th ACES Symposium, May 11–16, 2008, Cairns, Australia


Proceedings of the 6th ACES Symposium, May 11–16, 2008, Cairns, Australia: Introduction to the Special Issue



A probabilistic approach for earthquake potential evaluation based on the load/unload response ratio method



Relationship between load/unload response ratio and damage variable and its application



The peak point of LURR and its significance




Study on the forecast effects of PI method to the North and Southwest China




Pattern informatics approach to earthquake forecasting in 3D



StgDomain—scalable parallel domain software components for particleincell finite element methods



Parallel GeoFEST for regional faulted deformation




Simulation on seismogenic environment of strong earthquakes in SichuanYunnan region, China




Largescale numerical simulations of earthquake fault systems: illuminating the role of dilatational gravity in earthquake nucleation





Mesh dependence and slip complexity in earthquake fault models




Analysis of emergent fault element behavior in Virtual California




Numerical studies of quasistatic tectonic loading and dynamic rupture of bimaterial interfaces



Toolkits for automatic web service and GUI generation: KWATT




Interactive editing of digital fault models




The Quakesim portal and services: new approaches to science gateway development techniques




Ubiquitous interactive visualization of largescale simulations in geosciences over a Javabased webportal




Preseismic changes of noise correlation function (NCF) before the Wenchuan earthquake?




Seismic moment release before the May 12, 2008, Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan of southwest China




The velocity structure of the hypocenter area of 2003 M6.2 and M6.1 Dayao earthquake




Shorttime postseismic deformation of 2001 Ms8.1 Kunlun (China) earthquake




Modeling of tsunami waves and atmospheric swirling flows with graphics processing unit (GPU) and radial basis functions (RBF)




The Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability perspective on computational earthquake science


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